Thursday, September 18, 2014

Seriously, don't care so much

This is NOT an emo post; it’s just a post to remind you and me not to care too much.

Be caring and loving, but never care too much or you risk losing happiness until you give up on that particular person.

Don't care too much,

You will be mad when he’s online and not talking to you.

You will be constantly worried if he didn’t reply your message.

You will be affected emotionally by some unintended words.

You will be upset when he’s free and is not spending time with you.

You will lose control of yourself and throw unnecessary tantrums.

You will give so much, but receiving less and less.

You will be doing so much for him that he’s taking them for granted.

You will be tolerating everything he does; his “sorry” will be so frequent that it doesn't even serve its meaning anymore.

You will always sacrifice your own happiness just to make his life easier.

You will be lost without him; your world revolves around him, losing your own principle, emotion, aim or even means to be happy.

You will not be YOU anymore, but an annoying personal maid instead.

There’s a limit of how much you should care.

Of course you care, and you should care since they are your partner. However, some distance, trust and self-principle are a must have in a relationship to keep things healthy.

Give him some space, even your pet dog that gives you unconditional love goes sniffing around and play with other people when you are out for a jog, that doesn’t mean they are not loyal.

Give him a break, you yourself don’t reply to your mom’s messages instantly and that doesn’t mean you don’t love her anymore. Understand that he’s just busy or not in the mood to talk sometimes.

Give him a chance to change. Understand that nobody’s perfect but always make sure that he means every sorry that he says. When it comes to mistakes, forgive instead of forget.

Give yourself some credit. You are not Jesus so there’s no need for you to always be sacrificing yourself for his needs. Be selfish sometimes, you have needs too.

Give yourself an identity. There’s no need to change yourself just to fit into the “best-boyfriend/girlfriend” model. There are always 2 sides for everything; if they love the dramatic and fun you then they need to accept the emo dramas from you as well. This doesn't mean that you should stop improvising yourself and be a better person though!

Defining the limit

It’s always super hard and stressful when the line of such stuff is so ambiguous. “Am I doing too much? Or is it not enough?” We are constantly treading with so much caution just to not disturb the balance. My recent finding to this problem is, treat your partner like how you treat your best friend then top it with an icing of romance.

Silly Shits that we always do together :) #Vain

Think of your best friend now, he/she should be the person that you are most relaxed with other than your partner.

You don’t text them that much, don’t talk as much, don’t meet up as much but you do care a lot about each other.

You respect each other’s time and space, they can go out with other people or even bails out on you last minute. Sure you feel neglected and upset sometimes but you just continue with your own life without thinking much about it. There must be a reason why they bailed on you and you understand it without giving them too much guilt & shit.

There’s no need to tread extra careful around your bestie. Horrible hairs, pyjamas, spectacles, sloppiest sitting position + a tub of ice cream is the best form to hang out as long as both of you are comfortable.

There will be rough times and misunderstandings too. You just yell, chill and apologize. Things will always be fixed after some hugs and a pyjamas + mask & Disney movie session.

There’s no counting or weighing when it comes to helping each other out. We only give necessary amount of help to each other, nothing over the line. Such deeds will always be remembered and reciprocated in the future.

Be your partner’s best friend instead of an “Overly-Attached-Boyfriend/Girlfriend”. Also, be giving but never give in to a relationship, it’s a very unhealthy thing to do and such relationship wouldn't last long.

“Be caring and loving but never forget to be fair to yourself”


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