Sunday, July 20, 2014


I talked about timing in my previous post and so I would like to bring your attention to the word Compatibility this time. What is compatibility? If we use building a house as an analogy to define a relationship, timing can be thought as the time we build the house, while compatibility will be the foundation, bricks and cement required to build the house. 

Many see compatibility as how much common interests a couple have or how similar a couple is. Let me give you an ideal example, the "most compatible couple" have the same favourite food, they love the same movie genre, they like the colour blue and heck, they even have the same thinking logic! 

Seems like a perfect couple don't you think? Going out on a Saturday night wearing a blue-coloured couple T, enjoying a romantic dinner in their favourite Italian restaurant, watching a comedy movie after that, and then head home to cuddle until they fall asleep in each other's embrace. Everything seems so perfect, they would not ever argue about what movie to watch or crack their brains on what to eat on dates and could also avoid an awkward not-that-colour gift scenario. But think again, is it possible to recreate this every weekend, over and over and over and over again, until the end of time?

Compatibility is more than just similarities; differences add a value to the word too. It is mandatory to share some sort of similarities to be able to communicate well; be it a common interest, hobby, personality or perspective of life. But at the same time, we should never overlook the need to be different from each other to keep things fresh and interesting. While the same ol' routine sounds safe and easy; it lacks surprises, excitement and sparkles to keep the romance alive. 

I see compatibility as how well a couple complements each other as a team, just like the fork and spoon. These little utensils fall under the same category (kitchenware) and have a lot of similarities (material, weight, size, etc.). They work differently in a team, functioning on its own while covering each other's weaknesses at the same time. Same goes to a couple; everyone has their own strength and weaknesses, it all boils down to how well each side is able to utilize one’s strength to cover the other’s weakness.

Bii and I had nothing much in common and that actually worried me a lot when I was in a relationship with him. I always had the thought of "Is he really the right guy? He's sooooo different!!" But as time goes by, I figured being different is not as scary as it seems, allow me to give you some examples.

Bii is definitely the brawn in this relationship, he is sporty, has a good physique, outgoing and working out is like his hobby; while for me, I HATE sports mainly cuz I suck at them. I'm more into things like singing, gaming, reading, brain teasers, etc. I'm pretty much interested in any sort of activities that requires minimal amount of muscle movement. 

How did the differences help us in our relationship and more importantly, how did it help us to grow as an individual? Well for me, Bii motivated me to start exercising. I started doing sit ups, push ups and lunges on daily basis so I'm not as weak as I used to be. Now I'm more motivated to exercise, own a gym membership and also work out at least 3 times a week (thanks to Bii for hooking me up on a great Groupon deal). On the other hand, I give Bii the motivation to be productive in his studies and read him useful articles while we cuddle (he hates reading). I also love contributing and spamming him with ideas, inspiring him and giving him a direction on how to tackle his assignments.

The goal of this post is to let people realise that it’s okay to be different. You are not entitled to be with somebody that's a clone of you. Enjoy spending time doing things that both of you love while at the same time; don't forget to embrace the differences that bring conflicts, surprises, excitements or even typhoons in your relationship. Savour all those moments, keep them in your memory, learn from the mistakes and experience life to the fullest with your loved one.

“We were very different, and we disagreed about a lot of things, but he was always so interesting you know?” (John Green, The Fault in Our Stars)

Good Luck

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